"The Comedy Club Podcast" is recorded in The Projection Room at The Comedy Club of Kansas City and is hosted by the owner of The Comedy Club, Dustin Kaufman.
"The Comedy Club Podcast" features top rated comedians, such as Craig Conant, Greg Warren, Croey B, Irene Tu and more! Each week, Dustin is joined by the headliner, feature and emcee for a conversational sit down, driven by the chemistry of 3 comics working together all weeked at The Comedy Club of Kansas City. Enjoy this off the cuff podcast with round table questions and personal stories featuring the best Stand-Up Comedians working today.
"The Comedy Club Podcast" is recorded in The Projection Room at The Comedy Club of Kansas City and is hosted by the owner of The Comedy Club, Dustin Kaufman.
"The Comedy Club Podcast" features top rated comedians, such as Craig Conant, Greg Warren, Croey B, Irene Tu and more! Each week, Dustin is joined by the headliner, feature and emcee for a conversational sit down, driven by the chemistry of 3 comics working together all weeked at The Comedy Club of Kansas City. Enjoy this off the cuff podcast with round table questions and personal stories featuring the best Stand-Up Comedians working today.